Sign up now for
✓ a three-part video training series
✓ an e-workbook
✓ a book on evidence-based tools for flourishing.
You and I are lucky. We live in a time when science is interested in studying human flourishing. You can harness that knowledge to live the good life, squeezing more happiness out of this precious life, sooner.
✓ You don’t have to become a different person (you’re enough).
✓ You don’t need to learn “the secret” (there isn’t one).
✓ You don’t need great willpower (everyone has a limited amount).
✓ You simply need to apply what science has shown works for optimal human living, and learn what works within the ecosystem of you.
Sign up now and receive the following video lessons, workbook, and book.
✓ Define Success and Reach for Your Best. What’s your definition of success? In this video lesson, take a deeper dive into the wholebeing concept expressed by the SPIRE model—and see how others have used it to create success in coaching, business, and family life.
✓ Daily Stepping Stones to Happiness. This video lesson reviews the SPIRE check-in, which gives you a step-by-step approach to whole-person well-being.
✓ The SPIRE e-workbook is a companion guide to the video, giving you exercises that help you see clearly where you are now, and how to determine the best actions to enhance your well-being. Use it to appreciate the good, make connections, and track small yet powerful changes that take place as your well-being increases.
✓ Living Deliberately is a video lesson about why it’s important to pay attention to your experience in everyday life.
✓ The Living with EASE e-book is a full-length book describing a four-step process of engaging with each day in a mindful way, giving you a deeper understanding of how to live deliberately.
And best of all, it costs exactly $0.00 to start learning how to unlock your best possible self.
Get instant access now by filling in the form above.

You and I are lucky. We live in a time when science is interested in studying human flourishing. You can harness that knowledge to live the good life, squeezing more happiness out of this precious life, sooner.
✓ You don’t have to become a different person (you’re enough).
✓ You don’t need to learn “the secret” (there isn’t one).
✓ You don’t need great willpower (everyone has a limited amount).
✓ You simply need to apply what science has shown works for optimal human living, and learn what works within the ecosystem of you.
Sign up now and receive the following video lessons, workbook, and book.
✓ Define Success and Reach for Your Best. What’s your definition of success? In this video lesson, take a deeper dive into the wholebeing concept expressed by the SPIRE model—and see how others have used it to create success in coaching, business, and family life.
✓ Daily Stepping Stones to Happiness. This video lesson reviews the SPIRE check-in, which gives you a step-by-step approach to whole-person well-being.
✓ The SPIRE e-workbook is a companion guide to the video, giving you exercises that help you see clearly where you are now, and how to determine the best actions to enhance your well-being. Use it to appreciate the good, make connections, and track small yet powerful changes that take place as your well-being increases.
✓ Living Deliberately is a video lesson about why it’s important to pay attention to your experience in everyday life.
✓ The Living with EASE e-book is a full-length book describing a four-step process of engaging with each day in a mindful way, giving you a deeper understanding of how to live deliberately.
And best of all, it costs exactly $0.00 to start learning how to unlock your best possible self.
Get instant access now by filling in the form above.